

Backlash or progressive mobilization? Voter reactions to perceived trajectories of women’s representation. Comparative Political Studies 57:13, 2024. Open Accesss, DOI: 10.1177/00104140231223745; Replication files DOI: 10.7910/DVN/5AWTXE.

Perceptions of the social status hierarchy and its cultural and economic sources. European Journal of Political Research, 2024, Early View. Open Access, DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12712; Replication files DOI: 10.7910/DVN/8JFKC1.

Populist positions in party competition: Do parties strategically vary their degree of populism in reaction to vote and office loss? Party Politics, 2023, 29(4). Open Access, DOI: 10.1177/13540688221097082; Replication files DOI:10.7910/DVN/1F861L.


Narratives of backlash? Perceptions of changing status hierarchies in open-ended survey responses (with Tabea Palmtag and Delia Zollinger). URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 15, 2023, URL.

The (re)politicization of gender in Western Europe (with Tarik Abou-Chadi and Theresa Gessler). Gender Update, in: European Journal of Politics and Gender 4(2), 2021, p. 311-314. DOI: 10.1332/251510821X16177312096679.


Social Status Politics: The Role of Shifting Cultural Hierarchies. Cumulative PhD Thesis, Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich, defended in May 2023. DOI: 10.5167/uzh-234049.

Working papers


The mobilizing effect of class appeals to the new and old working class (co-authored with Robin Weisser and Denise Traber), Conference Paper.


Who deserves recognition? How the discrepancy between perceived and desirable changes to the social hierarchy relates to vote choice (co-authored with Tabea Palmtag and Delia Zollinger).

Gender and sexuality

Progressive momentum and the dynamics of political competition: The case of #metoo (with Theresa Gessler and Tarik Abou-Chadi), Conference Paper.

Cultural backlash? Belief correction about same-sex marriage (co-authored with Thomas Kurer, Tarik Abou-Chadi, and Reto Mitteregger), Conference Paper.


Media appearances in the context of the 2025 German elections for the Swiss public broadcaster SRF, URL, and the Basler Zeitung, URL.

Appearance on the podcast Political Science? No problem et al.!: Episode 3 - Magdalena Breyer on Women’s Representation and its Effects on Political Behavior, March 2024, URL.

Wieso Identität, «Wokeness» und Gender mit Status und Anerkennung zusammenhängen. Post on DeFacto, a Swiss science communication blog, December 2023, URL.

The strategic use of populism. Interview on the blog Populism Observer, October 2022, URL.